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みれい ♥

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@ 8:51 午後

ouhs . okay , actually nth to talk alot today .

went to sch as usual .. and blah blah blah .

but after that . dunno in what lesson , i found out that my knees there got blue black ? 0.0

den called cat and sam help me .

actually was purple de . den now ... RED ? == ~

gonna kill u all tmr . =/

yaryarh .

and den .

chemistry lesson .(jolinna call me to write de ! l0ls )

she say i emo her .. hahas ~ nv hors . i wan concentrateee .

i wan be good girl ya know . ;D

== ~

hahas .

okok uhs . pictures time (:
TADAA ~ my rreeeddd spot == ~
what the hell pose is this ? 0.0

Sam chiong ahhh ~ =)
Look closely to sam's action , and the guy next to her , why exactly the same sia ? (we dunno that guy hors . jus too qiao . xD)

@ 9:48 午後

actually dunno what to post today . l0ls .

but i can jus anyhow bomb ^^

as some have already say .. today was the release of o levels results .

some have done pretty well , but some did nt do that well .

shall not explain more further . hahas .


today phy test ~ omg ! xD l0ls . ok uhs .

tmr got geog and maths . faints ! (:

mus buck up le ! cuz .. remembering the scenes that happen today ..

makes me feel so afraid .. what is im the one crying next year ?

cuz i never put my whole heart in study ..

but play all day ?

or i will be jumping with joy ..

cuz i know thats my best that i have did ,

and im very blessed with what i have ?

nobody knows .. only u yourself will know whether u have put in all your hardwork ..

so .. everybody mus jiayou ~ (:

@ 8:50 午後

Po..Po..Potatoes ! (:

im so bored . so let me talk about so rubbish stuffs . (:

signs when u fall in loveee ~ <3

1-You smile whenever u hear his name :D
2-You blush&get butterfiles when ever he is nearby.
3-You always say you're going to talk to him,but when there's a chance you just hide behind your friend.
4-You can't think of nothing esle but him.
5-It takes ALOT of courage to text/call him.
6-You are always shy around him
7-Your every thought leads to him.
8-You don't know if you can trust them,only because you're afraid to loose them.

You only have ONE life to live , so live it to the MAX :D

Do ont worry abot getting hurt , it's a risk you have to take to find the one guy that won't hurt you.

Don't worry about what other people think about YOU be happy with yourself! They are jealous!

Most of all,live each minute like it's your last! (:

If you love someone,tell them because you may not have another chance :(

Never make someone your everything,beacuse when they're gone, you will be left with nothing =[

You never know when you're making memories.

You'll have your heart broken more than once& it gets harder everytime .

If you love someone,tell them,because if you don't,they will find someone who will .

If it's meant to be it'll happen .

Real love stories never have a happy ending because real love stories never end .

Hearts are often broken by words left unspoken (:

A boy&girl can just be friends.But at somepoint in their friendship ..

They'll feel more than that towards eachother..But are too afraid of runing their friendship to tell eachother ..
thats enough of my rubbish . hahas . now i gotta do homework le ! byeee :D

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quiz

13年後的蠟筆小新-小白的最後 @ 9:28 午後

T.T . so touching larh . i cried for the whole video (:

@ 9:37 午後


actually i also dunno what im gonna blog . ==

cuz today is a boring day la ! ==

l0l .oh ya . today need to bring so many bks . ==

darn heavy . (: and i clever . put dict in school . ><

and after that , after dnt , we all start to "zi lian" l0l . all become so lame ==

hahas .

denn went to tuition with sch clothes . l0ls . xD

ok la . nth more to say . bubbyes ~


and if im looking at you , jus reply me with a smile will do (:

@ 10:18 午後

Random pics. (:

heyo . :D
today was a fun and tiring dayyyy ~

after sch today , jolinna , joreen , cat bus-ed to my house . cuz we wanna get changed and go to bugis . xD
den after we changed le den train-ed down to bugis .
and we bought alot of clothes uhs ! xD
almost all is 1 for 12 dollarr ~ 2 for 20 dollar ~~ l0ls . =X
den after that me cat and jolinna train-ed down to tamp . cuz we wanna go get heels . :D
den after we got our heels , i go find my mama while they 2 go bac first . hahas .
and after i got home , i started to mug into homeork .
until now and im still doing !
T.T . what a saddd sec 4 life it is. xD
whatever uhs . i wish to know what u were feeling in the afternoon .

@ 9:33 午後

ok larhh!

dozennnns of homework again ==

:D . i guess this is what we called sec 4 life.

Starting to know alot of impt things , our mindset changes , everything changes .

buudd . we still mus not forget that this is our last year le !

musstt treasure this last year (:



oh ya . ytd went shopping with jolinna , cat , me , sam and jl (:

was fun uhs . hahas . me and cat bought a similar full dress skirt . hahas . purple and blue. :D

gonnna go bugis soonnn againnnnnnnnnn . =X

i think i shall jus leave ? shall i ? i find it meaningless . really . not bluffing . but its like 4 years . and i jus stop suddenly , feels so darn wierd kay . but den , arh . dunno larh . :D

smile more . for you will never know who is in love with your smile . (:

@ 10:14 午後

yohhh ~

here to talk crap again ~

omgggg . i cant take the stress larh ! so many homework at a time .

i really starting to fell the stress for o levels . a whole chunck of homework . T.T

past few years i dun care de luh ! xD

but this year .. different . cant do that . l0ls .

but i really can't burn mid night oil .

once its 10 pm , my brain auto shut off . l0ls . its true . nt bluffing .

l0ls . i cant do anymore things uhs . cannot concentrate . l0ls .


ok uhs . short short post again =/

bubbyeeeee . gotta go sleep le . xD

tmr go tp ~~~ yays . (:

@ 6:47 午後

heylo . =/

first of all , let me talk about ytd . l0ls . actually nth much larhs . cuz joreen they all already say liaos . l0ls.

but , i sat with daniel . zzz . ~

l0ls . =X

so bored larhh ! now cannot disiao sam liao >< . ~

wahahahaaas . l0ls . budden lucky still got jl infront of me to talk with . (:

today arh . got sec 1 orientation . l0ls . so bored. played those songs .

as usual . ==

dragged some sec1s to join . 0.0

budd i think , in the end , there will be less den 10 staying . (and this is the truth . )

wakakakas .

denn went to kfc to eat . and saw alot of punggolites .

hey . i found out smth . kfc is really punggolites de "di pan " luh ! l0ls . cuz cheap marh .

punggolites is lidiat de . =/

oh yaa . btw , why this year de sec 1 orientation got so many parents de ? walaoos ~

really alot . i think our generation gaps are getting biggeeerrr . ( and that means im getting older, oh no ! T.T)

l0ls . dden after that went to popularr . sher get some stuffs and after that we went home . =X .

l0ls . and this is the enndd ~


tatas ~

l ooks like im already used to looking at you from far away .

@ 9:58 午後

Whoops !

Changed new skin again =X

So fun larh ! changing skinnnsss . xD

today first day of sch . nth new . nth to eat also .

all bored liao . suddenly feel so funny when ppl call us sec 4A . l0ls .

maybe it is really time for us to grow up le ? kekes . ok luh . stop here for now .

tatas ~ :D

@ 9:48 午後

Hellooooo .

So.. HELLO 2008 ! (:

I seriously dun wanna welcome u . l0ls .

Cuz we will be having our 'O' levels this year larh ! Headache .


l0ls . but , we must still do our best cann ? 4A ~~ mus jiay0us :D

okk larh . short short post . xD

byebye :D