@ 10:10 午後
Hello humans . (:sch as usual today .oh ,june holidays ? nonoon (:its normal sch day for us . esp dnt students ?hahs . 5 pm everyday (:but ,we sld all know the reasons for having dnt lessons on holidays riggghhht ?hahas .if nt we will suffer when sch reopens .its all for our own goood ~~ LOL .:Dok ,tmr will be having last ndp session @ simei ite .looking forward to marina bay floating platformm ~~~ hahas .((: tadahhhh .:D
@ 4:23 午後
YAY .MT 'O' levels are finally over . (:*happiness*oh , saying about the paper .paper 1 was ... horrible .rofl .: Di think i did wrongly for the bao zhang bao dao .really ~i swear .omg .dun tell me im gonna .. fail my paper again .l0l .paper 2 was ok , a lil tricky i guess .hahas .but overall , it was fine .i guess so .hahahs .prays that i can get at least a b3 . :D doesnt everyone wish so ?hahahs .wanted to go seoul garden today ,but ,for some kind of reasons ,in the end nv go .hahah .tmr sakaaaeee ?anyoneee ?: Dafter humans workshop :D im craving .for it .hahahhas . (:rmb to tag at my tag boxx ~ its rotting -.- sayonaaraaa ~
@ 8:55 午前
HELLO . MIA since last week .ahahas . =Xno time !was having intensive MT since last friday .(:& during this week ,alot of things happend too (:but im happy to solve it alrd~~:D&&-ITS 2 MORE DAYS TO MT O LEVELS .RAHHH .hope im ready for it .though i didnt really studied alot for it . *nei jiu*xDokok .below are 2 pictures i dunno when i took de. ahahahs .& guess .i wont be blogging until next week bahs ?idk .cuz june holidays , got lots of remedials ,band practice ,& whatever .rofl .okok .byeeee ~ Omg . "nan ming?" ahahhahas . *dun kill me * -.-
@ 9:51 午後
Ahahhahas .found new skin . xDso .. almost get bac all results ?and i failed almost all .zzz .why siahhh .i got study de uhhh but though failed .still got improve .xDesp in dnt .ahahahas .eng ,was a disaster .ahahahscuz my marks all border line cases ,if one fail ,den i will fail .ahahahs den i really failed .l0l . =.=ok .im crapping .ahahhas .tmr get bac mt paper 2 oh no .bless me that i get high marks .cuz .my paper 1 pulled me down .ALOT .ahahahs .ok ,im sad enough already .T.Tciaoo .
@ 9:42 午後
edited . &- omg , do u believe this is wilber pan ? Omgomgomgomg =.=
@ 8:49 午後
hellooo .got bac results .its totally horrendous .ahahahahas .didnt really know if i tried my best -.-ahahahahs ..ut i only knew i passed phy ! woos .its like , i have been failing since starting of the year -.-i got improve ok .:D maths also got la .but havent leave that region that .i must ! & i will :Dchem , erms .i think no hope le .hohoohohs .:D &-next topic .which one shall i choose ?to go for concert ?or ndp thingy -.-cuz its like .it crashes on the same day ?!?ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. and that day happeened to be combine reherasal day ,if i missed it and go for concert , die ?ahhs .but if i go for ndp ,nv go for concert ,also die .both , i also die .so how -.-help me choose lehhh.ndp thingy ,its like , already going on for mths .den concert , its like we havent even start preparing ?ZZZZZZZZzz .so how siahhhh can anyone help me choooosee ? Zzzz . but mus make a fast decision siahhhh . T.T
@ 9:08 午後
*happiness* * happiness*:DFinally mye is over :DWOOS .i swear that this will be my last time taking mye in punggol sec . :DI SWEARRRR . : Dtoday ,chem paper ,i nv study alot for it luhs .all last min .hahhas .but i found out that i study last min de all will come out one .l0l . : Dim lucky *giggles* xDhmms .so in another 3 weeks time ,mt o levels .uhhh .nt really prepared ?l0ls .but will do my best of cuz .but we will be having intensive mt after 16th ?l0ls .buck up then .:Dyayness .tmr got practice :Dok uhs .ciaoooooo . :D
@ 10:29 午後
First, identify yourself as right- or left- brain person:1. Hold your hands together, as if you were praying.Look at your hands.Left thumb below the right thumb: left brainRight thumb below the left thumb: right brain 2. Fold your arms in front of you as if you are angry.Look at your hands.Right arm above left arm: left brain Left arm above right arm: right brainBased on 1 and 2 (order important), below is the interpretation of your personality:Right-Left: Considerate, traditional, indirect type. Can instinctively read other's emotion and respond friendly by natures.Although not very into taking initiatives in moving forward, this person will always take a step back in supporting others. Stable personality and considerate, gives others a 'being protected' feeling. But their weakness is they cannot say no. Regardless how unwilling they are, they will still take care of others.Right-Right: Straightforward. Once decided on something, they will take action right away. Very curious and love challenges. Dare to face dangers without thinking through (sometimes foolishly). Their weakness is they don't listen to others. They will filter in only what they want to hear in a conversation and very subjective. However, because of their straightforward attitude, they tend to be fairly popular.Left-Left: Dedicated, cold, perfectionist. Very logical in all aspects. The only way to defeat (or win over) him/her is through reasons. Has a lot of pride and feels strongly about doing the right thing. If they are your friends, they are very trustworthy. However, if they are your opponents, they will be very tough to deal with. Because they can be very "anal" as a perfectionist, they usually leave a bad impression of being hard to deal with when first met.Left-Right: Likes to take care of others, the leader type. Has a cool and keen observation ability to see through situations, yet still can be considerate in others needs. Because of their cool, calm nature and strong sense of responsibility, they tend to become head of a group. Popular among people. However, they may not be able to help themselves in meddling because they want to take care of others too much. Very concerned about how others view them, and always on alert.i know , 3rd post ._.
@ 8:47 午後
to add on , ss , another freaking hell subject -.-ok , i shall die tmr -.-
@ 8:45 午後
@ 6:22 午後
jx call me do de.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. At what age do you wish to marry ?Depends if anyone wants to marry me . LOLS -.-2. What you want the most now ?Yoshi! BEEFBOWWLLLL! (:3. Who is the person you trust the most ?myself (:4. Do you think you have enough confidence ?no ? duhhs .5. If you can have a dream to come true , what would that be ?Secret (:6. Are you satisfied with yourself ?no? (:7. What are you afraid to lose the most now ?evrything.8. Do you believe in eternity love ?nopes ? how long can u live ? l0ls .9. Have you broken someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide ?Nv try before ? l0ls .10. What do you like most about yourself ?idk (:11. What are the requirements that you wish from the other half ?idk !12. What feelings do you hate the most ?annoyed.13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours ?depends.14. Do you believe in god ?yeahs (:15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life ?evrything.16. Who do you hope to be always there for you ?depends.17. What do you regret most in your life now ?i choosed the wrong path in my studies T.T18. What kind of friend do you hope to be in your friend's eyes ?Devil ! (:19. What are you doing currently ?this survey ? -.-20. What do you like doing most ?Eating beeeefff bowwwwwwll . muahahahs . (:Instructions : Add in a question to make it a total of 20 questions ,then tag 8 people in your list . List them out at the end of this post .Notify them in their chatbox that he/she have been tagged .Whoever does the tag , will have a blessing from all.Michelle SamanthaSherylnAppleChuanLianElaineJerinSherm