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みれい ♥

Taggie Archives Links Profile

Hello there, you are now @ http://mirei-x.blogspot.com :D

#1 Don't rip, don't spam!
#2 Tag before you leave :]
#3 Enjoy! :D

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@ 2:35 午後


D: so after sam ~ its my turn to write review . muahahhahaa .


January:-School reopens ~
-Couldnt get used to the homework load

-Bad CNY , somethings happened in family ? only some knew though.
-i am one of them who fell sick T.T, broke my sick record , for .. years ?
-4A are farmers ! :D

March:-LOL . conflicts :D
-ah , im still in the depressed mode (note: CCJJMS sld know)
-Prepare for chinese O !

April:-Homework stress . LOL
-Start of NDP rehersals :D
-Prelim phobia.

May:-I failed my MT PAPER 1 . LOL . first time in history .
-Intensive MT
-MT 'O'
-Intensive DNT.

June:-No holidays for DNT students :D
-Practical Madness
-Marina Bay floating platform :D
-22/6/08 , NEWS IS LOVED :D
-Synergy Concert

July:-Massu's birthday :D (4/7/08)
-Shige/Mybirthday :D (11/7/08)
-Cursing shige why he cant swop birthday with Massu . l0l0l . im sorry shige :(
-Massu=food .
-NEWS madness XD
-No more homeroom .

August:-NDP parade . Never forget :D
-Seoul Garden trip . LOL
-Madly fell in love with SUMMER TIME .
-MT results out.
-Eng oral , i flunk it.

September:-HAPPY BIRTHDAY OUT . MUAHAHHAHA.(radio version though.)
-Study lessons @ eveyln house.
-LOL . news about them having Concert & album XD
-Retake MT 'O'
-Taken from sam ' realisation of the truth'
-Their live singing sucks . D:

October:-In love with 太陽のナミダ
-Last day in PSS :D
-Start of O level.
-Change of CCJJMS , LOL
-LOL , Phobia of massu/koya/pi song .
-みんながいる世界をひとつに愛をもっとGive & Takeしましょ muahahahhaha
-starting of NWPD tour :D

November:-Disturbing scenes in MRT . LOL
-Muahahahaa , KoyaShige trip to America make me laughed like mad:D
-Massu in RESCUE .XD
-COLOR out :D
-Masuperman XD
-Band Camp .
-Massu Cut hair T.T
-Nightmare :(

December:-Massu's New hairstyle .......
-6 mths love:D
-TV ants Hates me :(
-LOL , i accepted Ryo all thanks to UCHI . muahahahha
-Exchanged presents , TEDDY~
-Countdown party ltr ? :D

ne .. done:D
looks like .. this year .. alot of things happened . l0l .
I seriously have a good group of friends . muahahahha .
in anyway ~ no matter where we go next year ~
we must not forget each other ne ~!
loves! :D

Happy New Year in advance !

p/s: i wnt to go to today de Tokyo Dome concert! i wan to countdown with them . LOL.

@ 7:56 午後


He isint as handsome as yamapi ~
He isint as tall as Koyama ~
He isint as clever as Shige ~
He isint as kakoi as Ryo ~
He isint as pretty as Tegoshi ~

but he has a .. a .. feature where he will make his fans like him more then the other fans ~
but i seriously wonder ~ what is the "thing" that make massu's fan like me ~
fall in love with him ~ i wonder ~

@ 2:02 午後


nande nande ~ dame dame ~

l0l . im jus being random :D

yes yes ~ this few days nth happen ne ~

i also nv go out ~ so also lazy update ~

l0l ~

Tokyo Dome tmr♥ ~

hope they will have fun ~

but ... ah ~ no worries .

l0l ~

I wan full song of soba ni iru yo ~

i dun think anyone has it :(

nvm ~

ja ~

@ 3:59 午後


in the end , i still couldnt resist ,

& i still end up putting 太陽のナミダ as my blog song .


why do u all dont like it T.T

i super love it na ~ <3>


im sorry :(

@ 2:43 午後

OMG , im super happy now : D

all thanks to Yamapi85@livejournal ,

i can get to watch MSSUPERLIVE in HD Version .

arigatou gozaimasu~!!!!!!!

yes . im super happy now .


& i screened cap some ryomassu moments .

l0l ~

ryo didnt know there was a camera infront of him ,

& he stumbled upon it . l0l

& massu was like telling him , a camera ~ a camera ~

l0l . cute ryomassu moment :D

Im super happy ~!
l0l , ryo with bangs doesnt look weird at all .
massu kawaii ~~
p/s: sorry for my lousy editing skills =/

@ 1:20 午後

NEWS fans totally rocks .

i was watching MSSLIVE happily ytd ,

when until NEWS came out , i was being kicked out of keyholeTV ?

Damn , why do NEWS have so many international fans ?

ahhhhh , make me miss the interview part & when they perfomed ,

it was ..............

a disaster .

but my keyhole TV keep hang at Massu or ryo face , make me laughed like some madwomen .

maybe there were some entertainment i guess ,

& they like singing fast forward sia ~ suddenly so fast 3 songs ended -.-"

isit my com lag or .. really its that fast ?

& TVants really hates me :(

@ 12:23 午後


past few days .. keep going out . l0l .

& going out with CCJJSS ltr :D

to celebrate christmas :D

happy :D

NEWS~ out single soon ! im bored =/

@ 1:51 午後


ah ~

6mths , its totally loved :D

finally half a year alrd ~! fast isint it ? heh :D
loves :D !
& of course ~ my beloved . l0l0l0l .
hope there will be more 6 mths ne ~!
ah ~ gotta go out again . l0l ~
im basically going out everyday ? hehehe :D
ja ~!

p/s : 186 days ; 6 mths ; loved ~!

@ 3:56 午後


im sorry that i neglect this blog too .

hahahaha . going out ltr with jolinna & cat .

to town ?

ah. yes .

sorry for my short update .

im rushing of time :(

ja ~!

@ 9:31 午後

konbanwa ~

happy ~ super happy ~

tanoshii ~!!

i got myself a jap dictionary . like finally . l0l .

lucky i got my vouchers . if nt i also wont buy it . heh .

no money na . l0l . ahh ~

*claps* its the first time im buying dictionaries myself anyway .

l0l . what motivated me ? idk . l0l .

sudden urge to buy ne .

heh ~

recent happenings , im lazy to type . l0l .

tmr out with sam ? sld be .


@ 4:07 午後

Tags reply ~ ( i think i forget to reply ytd ? opps XD)

Complicatedjo - l0l ~ ya ~ of course ~

Cat- weee ~

Jo-l0l ~ you know ~ got some ppl will think to much de ne ? hahaha .

Jo-*bows* arigatou ne ? ^^

Jo- im old ~! i am . T. T poor love song . hahahhaha . at least it caught your attention now . l0l ~

Jo-cant i be ? hahahhahahaa . i wont fail one ok ~ hahahahhaa .

Newsfangirl-hello! i didnt know you were a band member too ~! hello fellow band mates ~ ^^

Complicated jo - problem settled XD

@ 4:03 午後


im lazy to type in hira today =/

heh . anyway ~ i have decided alrd . l0l

blogger will still be intact ~ for my daily stuffs .

while live journal will be fangirling stuffs .

so that it wont bore some of you ne ?

cuz some wont be interested in my fangirling . l0l0l0l .

so ~ if you all wan you all can make another link for my Livejournal .


hope i will frequent update in both . l0l0l ~

ja ~

@ 6:54 午後


im back . (laughs)

missing for so many days ne ~

lazy to update too .


& first thing first ,

i got new web . l0l ~


^^ haven update yet . l0l .

cuz i found out that i have always been going to livejournal ah ~

so im thinking to change to there for my convenience sake .

l0l .

oh ya ~ if you all wan to comment need to log in ba ?

i guess so ~ so im sorry to inconvenience some of you all ne :(

heh ~ but its better .

& some post will be friends only lock , so if u wan see need sign in =/

im sorry ~! gomen ne :D

so im like .. having 2 blogs now luh ~

i will try out for a few days ne ~

i will decide if i still wan blogger or not .

heh ~


@ 10:07 午後

Tags reply ~

Cat - l0l . yeah ~ but ~~ nt this short ? & nt lidiat ? T.T

Jo- l0l . i still rmb that time go your house den your itunes skip tio love song den you say whats this random song den u skip again . l0l0l ? & yeah , the feeling sucks like hell :(

Jo-heh ? they look alike ? ah ~ maybe in some way . l0l .

Jo-l0l0l . gosh ~ jo wants a big change ~ come ~ i be your instructor . l0l0l0l . ah ~ because of someone ne ~ mus thank that person . l0l0l ~

@ 9:57 午後


ahs ~


heh , though i am late by 1 day =/

cuz ytd out to celebrate her birthday ma ~ l0l .

so no time to update ne ~

wee ~ finally you are 16 :D

heh ~ ahhh .

& sam went to korea ytd too ~

faster come back ne ~

im bored . l0l0l0l .

yeah , ytd went to kbox with the 5 pretty ladies .

l0l . 1 was late for 2 hrs ? l0l0l .

cuz she has to sent someone off too .

~ yeah . & we were there from 2 to 7 ~

my first time ne ~

given to them .

l0l0l0l. what were you thinking of ?

the first time going kbox la ~ l0l0l ~

hah ~ & after that sam celest cat had to go ~

sam catching a plane , cat eating with parents , celest going home ~

so left me & 2 jo ~

& went ard HM for a while ~

& jo went home ~

so the very good jolinna suggested to walk from hougang to sk ~

ah ~ nt a very good idea to walk with her at night (laughs)

i almost went nuts T.T

yeah . & reached cp ~ waited for birthday girl to fin her dinner & we met up again .

l0l . & actually wanted to go somewhere esle to rot one .

but ~ too late alrd .

den no place to go . l0l .

den in the end rot @ cp . hah ~

chatted for a long time ~

and we went to send cat to take her bus ~

& that jolinna suggested to walk home .

omg T.T

& of course in the end we walked home .

ahhh ~ my poor legs ytd :(

l0l . but lucky today no problem . l0l .

if nt ~ ah ~ heh .


@ 1:34 午後



なんで T.T

whyyyyyyy . whyyyyyyyyyyyyy . whyyyyyyyyyyyy .

my nightmare ... came .......


the preview of massu's short hair .. got a shock in my life .

i finally know how jolinna feels alrd la ~

when pi ~ maru ~ jun ~ cut or perm or whatever .


let us see the hair before he cut .

awww :(
ahhh . i super super super miss this hair right now .

how i wish he wont change his hair forever :(

& now .. the thing u all have been waiting for ..

the new hairstyle .

you all really wan to see ?

really ?

ahhhhhhhhh ~

tada , i wan to cry alrd T.T

anybody wan acc me ?

ahhhhh .

total kiddy look .

is this even how a fireman sld look like ?

i thought fireman sld look manly , but this .. kiddy ?~

whyy :(

kanashii :(

@ 5:52 午後

Tags reply ~

Jo-l0l . nvm la ~ random shuffle also good :D i told you i dun wan go disturb you alrd . l0l ~

Jo-weeee . the more i wan to see . l0l . massu kiddy cute ne ~ but maru & his age kiddy ... ah ~ does massu have the bath scene ? l0l0l . i think maru sld be doing alot of gym work now ehs ? l0l0l0l. shh . dun talk abt the hair alrd.

Jo-l0l0l . idk about them ne ~ skip ~

Jo-nooo ~ rmb ? pi doesnt like violent girls . mus be femine . ^^

Jo-kanashii ~ iie omoshiroi ~

Jo- hello buta ichi~ watashiwa buta ni ~ ^^

@ 5:44 午後


weee ~ weee ~

staying at home has become a torture for me T.T

save me ?

ahhs .

anyway , i got my vouchers ~

& i alrd spent 30 ytd to buy lots of pens & stuffs .

im determined to write down all the romanji words that i know :)

& im done with the table ~ kata & hira one :D

now i jus need to copy all those that i knew alrd into my new note book . (p/s: not electronic one , i think only sam know ? l0l ~ )

ahhh . awaiting for friday ne ~ l0l0l .



@ 11:14 午前

Tags reply ~

Jo- l0l . he does look like kiddy with this hair . but massu alrd look like kiddy , if he cut this hair .. his kiddy look will even be worse ? ahhh . lets go die tgt.

Jo-muahahahhahahaha . im prepared for the worse alrd :D

Jo-l0l0l0l . cauze i dun reply at my tagbox alrd ahhh ~ is u tagging most of it . l0l0ll

Jo-amigo ~! amigo ~! l0l0l . this makes me remind of a song . l0l0l0l.

Jo-aiyaaaaa . sure pi de la . l0l0l0l . the owner alrd lidiat alrd . l0l0l0ll .

Jo-l0l . of course u cant read a disk & com mind . l0l0l0l . if can .. den .. idk alrd . l0l0l. why u mus read my mind ? :(

Jo-den i dun wan think alrd :DDDD l0l . let me welcom you to join my buta family ~ :D

apple - l0l . childish ah :D

Cat- l0l . K looks nice . but N ... =/

@ 11:05 午前


l0l0l0l. im trying to lenghten my greetings while pi is trying to shorten his . l0l0l0l.

ah ~ have been rotting at home this few days again .

thats why i hate holidays -.-"

cuz nth to do & no where to go ?



trying to get used with listening to mp3 without screen .

weets . cuz cannot choose song , can only skip like mad :(

but still thanks to jolinna la , if nt i even more worse . l0l .


ah ~ ltr going to NTUC centre to take my vouchers ~

wees . hope i can take eh . cuz mum nt ard . l0l .

but im 16 alrd ne ~ can anot ? l0l0l

ahh ~ bye ~!