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みれい ♥

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@ 1:30 午前


i simply dont know how to describe today .

its like ..

mixed of alot of emotions and stuffs .

alot of things happening .

like so suddenly .


start from morning .

wokeupbathprepare to meet F4 at pasir ris inter .

took bus to marine parade .

met up with des and ju .

walked to east coast .

play bowling for super long . LOL .

and today i won in bowling !!~

confirm is the marina bowling floor dont like me ~


mac . den went to arcade .

took bus . went to play pool .

fun ~ but this is the part where things suddenly happen .

hah .

play fin went to dhoby arcade . amylia went off first cuz she cant stay.

rest of us went to somewhere and talk .

hah . the drama came .

ok i shall nt say .

on the way home received damn shocking news .

everyone is like damn sad now but we will stay strong (:

i know the feeling cuz i got encounter before ..

but ..

this is just life isint it ?

we dont have any choice too ...

so ... be strong ya girl ? :D

@ 8:22 午後

yoyos .

its finally thursdayyy

muahahhhahaha .

cuz tmr we dont need go sch ~ so super happy ~

lmaaooo .

RNT is the official killer subject D:

i do 1 question for nearly 3 hrs and i still cannot finish .

lmaooo .

i dont know i press I + enter for how many times alr.

can die ..

aiya , dont think about it alr ~


tmr going out with F9's again ~


and im like bored to hell right now ~

p/s: i got a shocking news -_-

@ 11:03 午後

F9 ♥
I seriously think that this is the best grp pic ever taken laaas .
mus take more this kind of pic kay ? hahhaa.


monday again . monday blues ~

tired ahs .


killer subjects . ):

and yeah . system keep down + my com cannot go into abacus . like wth~

and woots . got back our refund .

and guess what ?

me amylia minhui ju flew to imm sistic to get our SEOUL'd OUT Concert Tickets .

Muahahahhahahahas .

happy like mad women.

yes like finally .

my husband ~ though i know on that day it will be hard for me to spot you but ~

i will try my best okay ? even though u encourage your fans to bring binoculars to concert to see you . hahas .

how cute can that be . muahhahahas .

next ~!

*Some secret activites for the F9's!*

Muahahhahahhas .

utterly excited siaaaaaaa ~

December please come soon .


@ 11:59 午後

it's weird to hear sorry sorry and nobody at ikea .

hahhaha .

but seriously .

those songs are like kinda old alr .


ok work today.

kenna middle .

damn sad .

but the amount of ppl still quite ok for a sunday O:

shocking ~

beside me was kenneth and one malay guy .

nth to talk about , so didnt really talked .

oh , only went to call cindi and mh .

muahahhaha ,

ok sch tmr ~

hope i wont overslept again ~

muahahahahhaa .

byeee :D

@ 5:17 午後

yoyo .

couple of days nv update le XD

lets start on fri .

i cant imagine i nv set alarm to wake up for school -_-

i only woke up when mh called me at 9

i rush to school in time for the OIT mock test .


after school.

went out with the F9's :D

movies .

marina square . bowling . arcade . pool .

hehe .

although we like go out always do the same thing ,

but this is what the F9 loves to do .

right ?

hehehee ~

i dont like marina sqaure de bowling ):

the floor nt good laaa.

or is it my skill ?

rofl ~

ytd . home . work .

today . home . work lateerrr .


bye ~

@ 9:25 午後

hellloooo .

im back from like sunday ,

but i only until now can find time to blog .

heee ~ gomen .


took cabbby with sam and cat to budget terminal . reach .

saw mh cindi at mac .

sat next table with them .

quite a number of classmate reach alr .

went to weigh our luggage .ahs .

overweight . LOL

but dunno why , they nv charge . so dont care . LOL.

in plane . i dont know why is i unlucky or what .

im totally being surrounded by guys -_-

behind is desmond , ismady(?) , syafiq. beside me was syahmi.

like wth ? so i was like super silent and quiet for the whole trip there.

reach there . went for dinner immediately .

the food . is jus like normal "zi chao" .

but only that i have alot of veggies one laa .

i was like .. ehhh ?

LOL . so i didnt really eat much actually ..

after dinner went to hotel . hotel was jus somewhere near the resturant , so we very fast reach alr .

got our room number . and guess what . our floor me and calista is the only girls ard .


beside us is des and syafiq , den beside 2 rooms is all teachers .

we was like , eh ?

hahahha .

night time . cliques gathered at des room . alot of things happen .

played alot of games , maggie mee mass sharing , got ppl come scare us , all also got .

oh . we went out to go opposite provision shop to buy things .

and this is like a totally new experience .

running across a so called look like highway road screaming all over the place .

hahahahha .

imagine it . LOL .

zebra crossing is totally useless . elizabeth almost being knock down by a speeding bus .

i went to sleep at 2 plus . others at 4-5 plus in the morning .


breakfast . i totally didnt eat at all is all i can say . i cant eat so early in the morning .

skipped breakfast.

went to take ship/boat/cruise ?

yeah . almost become tannn laaaa . and i think i got become tan a lil . sun super hot .

hahhahaaa . lunch .

took a 2-3hr ride to sanya .

coffee factory was the killer .

hahahhaha .

but i bought coffee from there though O:

li and miao village . omg . total entertainment there . super funny laaaa .

dinneeeeer was nicee (:

ok , the most scariest part is here D:

hotel . the moment i step into the hotel , i feel weird.

me and calista got our rooms , den we realise that our room is those v far end one .

even worse . so we change with khai .

open the room . omg . the feeling gets stronger . we nv say to each other in the first place .

put our stuffs . went to cindi room .

reach there . den both of us realise that we have the same feeling . discussed with cindi ,

we moved to cindi room . after that , went to bath and stuffs , went des room again.

*while typing this , i still can feel and rmb what happen T_T*

u know , as usual , played games and stuffs ,

until 2 plus , syafiq suddenly want to say ghost stories .

i was like , oh no . something is gonna happen . i can totally feel it.

but i didnt say it out .

ok so it started .

until the second story , when cindi say hers , cuz i was lying on the bed , we 8 sat ard in a circle ,

i feel that my whole back suddenly become very cold .

i dont know why too .

i didnt say anything . but i started shivering . real hard.

i close my eyes tightly , and finally all the stories finished .

syafiq suddenly say ,

did u guys see anything or whatever just now ?

den i realise , everybody either saw something or feel something .

its only me that didnt kenna .

actually , i wore a like bracelet on my hand , my mum went to the temple and get it for me one .

when the time that they all saw the thing , i could jus totally feel that my bracelet was like giving out some energy or what . i can really feel it . so i didnt talk at all . cuz i know its there.

and all of them confirm that its those thing , we quickly went to sleep .

and by that time , i seriously shivering like mad alr . calista told me she could even feel me shivering when she slept beside me .

gosh . the worse day .

slept at 4 plus D:


went to eat breakfast at somewhere , as usual , i nv eat .

went to do sight seeing again .

blah blah .

went for some mini shopping .

hehee .

to say the truth , i didnt bought a single shirt for myself.

u mus believe it .

cuz me myself cant even believe it .

hahahhahaha .

dinner .

check in to the first day hotel (:

excahnge with joanne and we got bac the room we stay in for the first day :D

10pm . went to des room as usual -_-

and now , our clique has a official name ,

the farting 9 .


leader ? li yen . she invented this thing one O:

and this is the most exciting night among all the nights.


alot m18 scene which i sldnt even see O:

and super funny scene .

i dont know why , the maggie mee i haven even finish half , i alr damn full ,

throw it to desmond to let him finish it . hahahhaa .

gammeessss .

oh . and i didnt mention the police murderer and the pervert game ?

hahahha .

damn funny .

i told cindi i went to lie on bed for a while

i seriously didnt know i was damn tired . aft i lay down for nt more den 5 mins ,

i was in lala land alrd. saying there's a fire , singing a song to me , shaking me like mad , is useless to me when im in deep sleep .



morning wake up .

forgotten we slept in des room ,

went back to our room to do wash up and stuffs .

get ready to pack and go .

went to the university there.

okok only la .

blah and stuffs .


a lil last shopping . but i didnt buy anything -_-

after that off to airport ~

check in and stuffs .

plane .

and ........

once again , i sit with guys -_-

this time rd ,

im in the middle , beside me is syafiq and desmond -_-

i really couldnt fell asleep , so i do alot of random stuffs .


and i landed safely in singapore at 8 plus :DDDD

yays .

finally i blog finish .

overall , i think the most fun part of the trip ,

is in the night , when 9-10 of us are tgt in a room .

heheheee ~


TG is loved ! Farting 9 is loveeed !

@ 9:29 午後

yoshh .

few days nv post le ah .

cuz lazy .

start sch and stuffs .

super tired ah .

cannot wake up one .

l0ls .

fast forward .

today .

went sch .

after that went bishan to meet with 2 jo .

eat eat walk walk blahhhh .

l0ls .

den home luh .


tmr .

going airport with cat and sam (:

going hainan leeeee .

yays .

like finally (:

holidays are coming again ~

though it jus ended .

hehee .

dont miss me when i'm away yaaa (:

bye ~ :D

p/s: You're Beautiful is seriously a damn funny show . hahahahha . HK super cute ahhh ~

@ 1:51 午前


went out with CJJS today :D

went to cine to watch haeundae :D

nt a bad movie after all .

hehe .

after that walk to fep .

walk walk .

bac to dhoby .

went daiso and bought stuffss :D

oh ya .

on the way bac to dhoby saw 4 angmors .

gosh .

got one super cute :D

we like stalking them to dhoby .

l0ls .

den after buy finish things .

go home .

walk by carls junior .

saw them inside .

rofl ~

and then me and jolinna walk to econ :D

took my dinner there.

saw jinwei and his group there .

eat till 12 .

went home ~

hehehs .

i dont know why .

but .

yay !

fb loves me now :D

finally let me upload photos :DD


@ 2:58 午後

ok laaaa .

here it is~



done my part .


weeets XD

if nt i think i will die ~ :DD

@ 2:12 午後

yoshhh .

im lazy to blog .


working for the past few days ~

fine ~
cash keep tally alr ..

good thing right .

hehe ..

today ~

gonna work again .


and im so happy~


last week of holidays !

woosh ~

and i wan to change blog skin T_T

@ 11:47 午後

ann !


past few days .

also dont know wht i do alr ..

go out and stuffs ba

hehe .

today .

results out .

woke up early in the morning .

com almost died on me.

gpa 3.5 .

happy .

but nt happy with ctr results .


can be bettter ~!

ahs ~

nvm ..

3.5 can alr ~ sefu sefu :D ~

tmr .

going out with TG cliques !

to pre celebrate amylia's birthday ~